Got your attention? Maybe. Anyway, on with my story. I have a friend down in Northern Virginia, just the other side of the Potomac from D.C. She loves birds. Not just the garden variety budgie in a cage thing. More like a big cage in her bedroom with some fancy feathered jungle creature fetish. So, she adopts a Cockatoo from these folks that found keeping a loud, screaming avian psychotic mistake of nature is more trouble than they're willing to put up with. Particularly when the thing has a beak that can crush a Brazil nut (or a finger) with less effort than it takes you to snap a toothpick. Everything is fine until she meets her boyfriend, who is a remarkably tolerant fellow and has good reflexes which is great when you're trying to keep your digits away from a tempermental male Cockatoo. The bird, it turns out, has no idea that he is not capable of keeping a human female as his mate. The jealous winged warlock also finds that it is damn near impossible to get close enough to the boyfriend to inflict serious damage without him possibly turning the bird into parrot pulp. One night the Cockatoo, who actually is pretty smart for a bird-brain, manages to get out of the cage whilst the lady and her prince are sleeping off a sweaty session of lovemaking.
It creeps up on the bed. (This part is pretty gross so you men may not want to see this-But visualize it anyway...)
It gently, ever so carefully puts it's beak in a soft latch on....
The gals arm and proceeds to gyrate violently, stradling the arm, until SPLORT...
Yep, and even after that, the depraved and deprived bird is still in a cage in the bedroom, but there's a masterlock on the kennel door. The feathered fiend hasn't figured out how to pick it yet, but it's only a matter of time. And the lady and her prince are still together going on 5 years now. Seriously, if the guy's willing to put up with that, she ought to marry him!
It creeps up on the bed. (This part is pretty gross so you men may not want to see this-But visualize it anyway...)
It gently, ever so carefully puts it's beak in a soft latch on....
The gals arm and proceeds to gyrate violently, stradling the arm, until SPLORT...
Yep, and even after that, the depraved and deprived bird is still in a cage in the bedroom, but there's a masterlock on the kennel door. The feathered fiend hasn't figured out how to pick it yet, but it's only a matter of time. And the lady and her prince are still together going on 5 years now. Seriously, if the guy's willing to put up with that, she ought to marry him!